July 11, 2024 Regular Meeting

The Regular Monthly Meeting for the Town Board of the Town of Brighton, Franklin County, NY, was held Thursday, July 11 at 7:00pm, at the Brighton Town Hall, 12 County Road 31, Paul Smiths, NY, with the following:



Meeting was Called to Order by Supervisor Peter Shrope at 7:01pm

The “Pledge of Allegiance” to the flag was recited.



PRESENT: Supervisor Peter Shrope

Council Members: Amber McKernan, C. Tracy Santagate and Steve Tucker

ABSENT: Lydia Wright

OTHERS PRESENT: Andy Crary-Superintendent of Highways, Elizabeth DeFonce-Town Clerk, Russell DeFonce-Town Justice, John Stack-Assessor, Elaine Sater-Historian, 2 residents



Notice of the meeting was posted on the Town Clerk’s Sign Board.




Highway – Superintendent of Highways Andy Crary: mowed the cemeteries, Town Hall, Garage, and park; got the roadside mower ready and mowed the County and Town Roads; the fuel shed whistle that signals when fuel is put in has been replaced; finished weed whacking the intersections; the 2015 truck is being checked out in Plattsburgh; hauled tar for the Town of Duane; started working on tree removal in the park; hauled soil for the park; paved Keeses Mill Road; fixed tire on front loader. It was suggested that Randall Swanson from Paul Smith’s College be contacted to remove one problematic tree near the septic at the park. A resident expressed concerns about the condition of Clark Wardner Road and asked if there were any plans for improvement. None are scheduled at this time.


Town Clerk- Elizabeth DeFonce: Total Revenue to Supervisor as of June 30th was $75.00 for 2 dog licenses and one Town Park donation

Deputy Town Clerk Elaine Sater took the Oath of Office from John Stack, Sole Assessor, on June 6th, 2024


TOWN PARK REQUEST: The Homegrown Homeschool Group reserved the park for a barbecue on June 28, 2024


Tax Collector – Elizabeth DeFonce: Received one very late payment that was forwarded to the Franklin County Treasurer’s Office.

The Audit of the Tax Collector’s books was conducted on Monday, June 17th. It was suggested that the Tax Collector see if there is an updated Audit form to account for technological advances in bookkeeping.




Motion made by Supervisor Peter Shrope, seconded by Tracy Santagate,


WHEREAS the audit of the Tax Collector’s 2024 Financial Records was conducted on June 17, 2024, by Council Member Amber McKernan,


RESOLVED that the audit of the Tax Collector’s 2024 Financial Records be accepted as satisfactory as presented by Council Member Amber McKernan.


ROLL CALL VOTE: Aye 4 (McKernan, Santagate, Shrope, Tucker), Nay 0, Absent 1 (Wright)

Resolution #37 declared duly adopted.


Historian – Elaine Sater: no report but is pulling old court records for disposal. The UPS Store will shred documents for .50¢ per pound. There will be about 100 pounds to be shredded. Payment will come out of the Records Management budget line.




Motion made by Supervisor Peter Shrope, seconded by Amber McKernan,


WHEREAS the Deputy Town Clerk is pulling old court documents for disposal, and


WHEREAS The UPS Store provides shredding services for .50¢ per pound,


RESOLVED that the Deputy Town Clerk can shred 100 pounds or more of old court records at The UPS Store at the rate of .50¢ per pound.


ROLL CALL VOTE: Aye 4 (McKernan, Santagate, Shrope, Tucker), Nay 0, Absent 1 (Wright)

Resolution #38 declared duly adopted.


Town Justice – Russ DeFonce: 13 cases were disposed. The Supervisor was given a check for $1,595.

Brianna Sargent, Town of Moriah Court Clerk, will be here to train the Judge and the Court Clerk on July 26th.


Code Enforcement Officer – Rodger Tompkins: Issued 1 Building Permit in June


Assessor – John Stack: Needs a computer and is looking for something around $500 or less. It was decided that he should investigate based on his requirements and come up with a few options. Spent some time with Roseanne Gallagher, former Assessor, to learn the day-to-day procedures of the position. Also noted that Resolution 30, “Appointment of Assessor Stack,” had the incorrect term end date. It should be 2025, not 2024.


Supervisor – Peter Shrope:

BridgeNY: Received reimbursement of $20,616.40 and transferred it to the highway account

Deposits: Received second Snow & Ice payment from Franklin County in the amount of $25,532.47

NYCLASS: For June – General Fund interest $519.09, total $121,596.21 ($20,000 for Town Hall). Highway Fund interest $197.82, total $46,339.73

Budget: in good shape.

A question arose as to why there was a late fee on the most recent credit card bill. Payment had been mailed late due to illness. Supervisor Peter Shrope will call the credit card company and have the due date pushed back further.


Accept/Amend Minutes

June 13, 2024 – Regular Board

Motion made by Amber McKernan, seconded by Steve Tucker,  to accept the minutes of the June 13  2024, Regular Meeting with the following changes: change “Peter Strack” to “John Stack” on page 2. Aye 4 (McKernan, Santagate, Shrope, Tucker,) Nay 0, Absent 1 (Wright)

June 5, 2024 – Special Board Meeting

Motion made by Amber McKernan, seconded by Supervisor Peter Shrope, to accept the minutes of the June 5, 2024, Special Board Meeting with the following changes: change “Trac” to “Tracy” Aye 3 (McKernan, Santagate, Shrope), Nay 0, Abstain 1 (Tucker), Absent 1 (Wright)


CITIZENS’ COMMENTS: The Saranac Youth Soccer Association has been using the Park even though the Town has not received the application to do so. It was noted that until they submit the request they won’t be covered by insurance.




Charter Communications has announced a rate increase.

Repairs to the back steps into the Town Hall will be completed this summer.

New York State sent a letter stating their intention to remove the siting of lithium battery storage facilities from local town governments and place them under the prevue of the Office of Renewable Energy.

New York State has instituted a Volunteer Firefighter Stipend Program & $25 million Grant Program that would allow the payment of a training stipend to volunteer firefighters for the completion of certain training. Firefighters that passed the classes in October would be able to apply for the stipend.




Motion made by Supervisor Peter Shrope, seconded by Amber McKernan


RESOLVED that the Town Board authorizes the Supervisor to sign applications for the Volunteer Firefighter Stipend as forwarded to him from the Fire Chief.


ROLL CALL VOTE: Aye 4 (McKernan, Santagate, Shrope, Tucker), Nay 0, Absent 1 (Wright)

Resolution #39 declared duly adopted.



Town Park: Delivery of the playground equipment is on schedule for July 22nd; they will bill for final payment. Fencing will be erected. A Town celebration was tentatively scheduled for Sunday, August 11th, from 11am-2pm. Final determination of the date will be made after the Fire Department discusses the possibility of organizing a fundraiser for that event.








Motion made by Amber McKernan, seconded by Supervisor Peter Shrope,


RESOLVED that the Supervisor be authorized to pay the audited vouchers as listed on the abstracts as follows:

PREPAID FUNDS: Abstract #7 for Voucher #s 7A through 7D for 2024 GENERAL FUND in the amount $654.56 and Voucher #7D for 2024 STREET LIGHTING FUNDS in the amount of $65.97

GENERAL FUND: Abstract #7 for Voucher #118 through #130, for 2024 funds in the amount of $3,146.43

HIGHWAY FUND: Abstract #7 for Voucher #57 through #66 for 2024 funds in the amount of $34,156.79


ROLL CALL VOTE: Aye 4 (McKernan, Santagate, Shrope, Tucker), Nay 0, Absent 1 (Wright)

Resolution #40 declared duly adopted.




Motion to Adjourn at 8:30pm made by Amber McKernan, second by Supervisor Peter Shrope

Aye 4 (McKernan, Santagate, Shrope, Tucker), Nay 0, Absent 1 (Wright)


Respectfully Submitted,

Elizabeth DeFonce

Brighton Town Clerk