March 13, 2025 Regular Meeting

The Regular Meeting for the Town Board of the Town of Brighton, Franklin County, NY, was held Thursday, March 13, 2025, at 7:00pm at the Brighton Town Hall, 12 County Road 31, Paul Smiths, NY, with the following:


Meeting was Called to Order by Supervisor Peter Shrope at 7:03pm
The “Pledge of Allegiance” to the flag was recited.


PRESENT: Supervisor Peter Shrope. Council Members: Amber McKernan , Caroline T. Santagate (Tracy), Steve Tucker, and Lydia Wright
OTHERS PRESENT: Andy Crary-Superintendent of Highways, Elizabeth DeFonce-Town Clerk /Tax Collector, Russell DeFonce-Town Justice, and 1 resident.


Notice of this meeting was posted on the Town Clerk’s Sign Board.


Highway – Superintendent of Highways Andy Crary: Plowing and sanding of roads; clean up turn arounds with the loader; Changed plow steel on the F-350; replaced hydraulic hoses on the F-350; performed road checks; cleaned the shop floors; had the 2015 plow truck towed to Plattsburgh due to a sensor issue; changed the oil and filter on the F-350; took the loader to the fire station; cut banks around town; Cory Skiff is leaving on the 21st and town resident Everett Fowler is starting on the 25th; asked the Town Clerk to post the road closures from March 20th through April 30th in the Adirondack Daily Enterprise. There was an inquiry regarding the condition of Route 86 but since it’s a state road the town has no jurisdiction.

Town Clerk Elizabeth DeFonce: Total Revenue to Supervisor as of February 28, 2025, was $280.00 from 5 Copies of Certified Vital Records and 2 building permits

February 4: Sent updated information to the Adirondack Park Agency.

February 11: Sent completed Annual Issuing Agent Report to the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles

February 14: Published notice of rescheduled board meeting in the Adirondack Daily Enterprise. Due to the holiday weekend it didn’t appear until February 19.



Town Clerk training: The Town Clerk would like to use the Town credit card to attend the Annual Town Clerk’s conference in Syracuse, New York, from April 27 to 30. The card would be used for conference registration, a hotel room for 3 nights, and meals.

Motion made by Peter Shrope, seconded by Amber McKernan, to allow the Town Clerk to use the Town credit card for conference registration, a hotel room for 3 nights, and meals. Aye 5 (McKernan, Santagate Shrope, Tucker, Wright) Nay 0

Tax Collector – Elizabeth DeFonce: In February there was 1 transaction totaling $2,582.63 through AllPaid.

Total collected as of Monday, March 10: $1,639,366,41

The check scanner stopped working and was replaced by a newer, faster machine. The old check reader was returned to NBT Bank on Tuesday, March 11.

Due to some confusion, one taxpayer whose check came through a mortgage company is still waiting for payment. My last communication with the mortgage company indicated that the problem has been identified and payment is forthcoming.

The reminder mailing will be sent before the end of the week.

The Annual Tax Collector’s conference will be held in Lake George in early June. More information about the conference will be given at a later date.

Historian – Elaine Sater: Started copying 2023 newspaper articles. Planning on copying on Thursday afternoons. Articles are copied from the newspaper and are put into binders organized by year.

Town Justice – Russ DeFonce: Disposed of 25 cases during February and the Supervisor received a check in the amount of $1,602.

Code Enforcement Officer – Rodger Tompkins: No building permits issued.

Assessor – John Stack: Has been working on combining properties with Steve Tucker. Passed along a document that the tax mapper needs to complete the merge.

Received a few new Enhanced STAR applications as well as some new senior exemption applications.

Hopes to get out in the next few weeks to review building permits from last year.

Reviewed some assessments and lowered a few. The town should be at 100 percent of market value for the 2025 assessment roll with a few assessment changes being made.

Supervisor – Peter Shrope:

BridgeNY: A few invoices that have been overlooked are now caught up. Construction plans are on the table available for review.

Deposits: Town Clerk – $280.00, Town Justice – $1,602, Franklin County – $26,289.45 for snow/ice

Budget: fine so far. Filed the annual financial document; there may be some minor discrepancies but nothing to worry about

NYCLASS: For February – General Fund interest $405.54, total $125,447.93 ($20,000 for Town Hall). Highway Fund interest $154.57, total $47,807.68.


February 20, 2025 – Regular Board Meeting Minutes

Motion made by Amber McKernan, second by Lydia Wright, to accept the minutes of the February 20, Regular Board Meeting, as written. Aye 4 (McKernan, Shrope, Tucker, Wright), Nay 0, Abstain 1 (Santagate)

Citizen Comments: There was discussion regarding the fact that the key to the lift was inside the building which would require someone to enter the building first before the lift could be used; however, to date this has not presented a problem.




Motion made by Amber McKernan, seconded by Lydia Wright,

RESOLVED that the Supervisor be authorized to pay the audited vouchers as listed on the abstracts as follows:

PREPAID FUNDS: Abstract #3 for Voucher #3A through #3C for 2025 in the amount of $935.21 and Voucher #3C STREET LIGHTING FUNDS in the amount of $119.20

GENERAL FUND: Abstract #3 for Voucher #37 through #49 for 2025 funds in the amount of $32,720.78

HIGHWAY FUND: Abstract #3 for Voucher #32 through #43 for 2025 funds in the amount of $20,869.30

SPECIAL FUND-FIRE DISTRICT: Abstract #2 for Voucher #2 for 2025 funds in the amount of $56,453.84

ROLL CALL VOTE: Aye 5 (McKernan, Santagate, Shrope, Tucker, Wright), Nay 0

Resolution #11 declared duly adopted.


Motion to Adjourn at 7:35 made by Amber McKernan, second by Lydia Wright,

Aye 5 (McKernan, Shrope, Tucker, Wright), Nay 0

Respectfully Submitted,

Elizabeth DeFonce, Brighton Town Clerk