January 9, 2025 Regular & Organizational Meeting
The Regular Meeting for the Town Board of the Town of Brighton, Franklin County, NY, was held Thursday, January 9, 2025, at 7:12pm following the Organizational Meeting at the Brighton Town Hall, 12 County Road 31, Paul Smiths, NY, with the following:
Meeting was Called to Order by Supervisor Peter Shrope at 7:12pm
The “Pledge of Allegiance” to the flag was recited.
PRESENT: Supervisor Peter Shrope. Council Members: Caroline T. Santagate (Tracy), Steve Tucker, and Lydia Wright
ABSENT: Council Member Amber McKernan
OTHERS PRESENT: Andy Crary-Superintendent of Highways, Elizabeth DeFonce-Town Clerk /Tax Collector, Russell DeFonce-Town Justice, and 2 residents.
Notice of this meeting was posted on the Town Clerk’s Sign Board on January 2, 2025, and a notice was published in the Adirondack Daily Enterprise on January 3, 2025. Notices were distributed to Town Officials.
Highway – Superintendent of Highways Andy Crary: Plowing and sanding on a regular basis; Bob’s Auto replaced an air canister on the 2022 truck; the 2015 truck was towed to Plattsburgh where the fuel pump and ECM were replaced; the hydraulic hose on the 2022 truck blew and was replaced
Town Clerk Elizabeth DeFonce: Total Revenue to Supervisor as of December 31, 2024, was $70.00 from 7 Copies of Certified Vital Records
Completed Oath of Office for Notary Public on December 10 and received notification of Commission on December 11. Purchased Notary stamp
Requested and received handicapped parking permits from the DMV
Town Clerk’s Annual Report for 2024: Total revenue received was $6,486.44. Disbursements, NYS Dept. of Agriculture & Markets, Spay & Neutered Program – $86, NYS Dept. of Health, Marriage Licenses – $67.50, Supervisor, Town of Brighton – $6,332.94.
Some towns leave a few dog licenses at the Tri-Lakes Humane Society in case a dog in that town needs a license quickly and the Town Clerk is unavailable. Monies collected are then sent to the town. Motion made by Tracy Santagate, seconded by Supervisor Peter Shrope, to give the Tri-Lakes Society 5 dog licenses to license dogs in the Town of Brighton as needed. Aye 4 (Santagate, Shrope, Tucker, Wright), Nay 0, Absent 1 (McKernan)
Tax Collector – Elizabeth DeFonce: Picked up tax bills in Malone on December 23 and took them to Compass Printing for folding on December 26. They were mailed on December 26.
Received and dealt with several phone calls about a range of topics, from the reassessment to how to pay online.
Completed AllPaid recorded training. The link on the website went live on January 2 and has been used twice as of January 9.
Total deposits for January as of Tuesday the 7th: $8,954.57
Historian – Elaine Sater: No Report
Town Justice – Russ DeFonce: Disposed of 17 cases during December and the Supervisor received a check in the amount of $1,835.
Code Enforcement Officer – Rodger Tompkins: Issued 2 Building Permits, 1 in November and 1 in December.
Assessor – John Stack: Received calls regarding mergers, exemptions, etc. Would like to clarify some confusing and inaccurate information found in the Adopted Budget at the next board meeting.
The Department of Agriculture and Markets conducted an inspection of the Tri-Lakes Humane Society and found it to be in good shape.
Supervisor – Peter Shrope:
BridgeNY: Received 5th reimbursement in the amount of $4,130.70.
Deposits: BridgeNY (above), CHIPS – $85,793.25, Town Clerk – $70, Town Justice – $1,835.
Budget: Final copy provided to Town Board members as of December 31, 2024, budget amendments below.
NYCLASS: For December – General Fund interest $464.82 ($6,118.60 for the year), total $124,591.62 ($20,000 for Town Hall). Highway Fund interest $177.14 ($2,331.83 for the year), total $47,481.31.
Interest total for 2024: $8,450.43
Balance total for 2024: $172,072.93
December 12, 2024 – Regular Board Meeting Minutes
Motion made by Supervisor Peter Srope, second by Steve Tucker, to accept the minutes of the December 14, Regular Board Meeting, as written. Aye 3 (Santagate, Shrope, Tucker), Nay 0, Abstain 1 (Wright), Absent 1 (McKernan)
Citizen Comments: Two residents brought the status of internet service on Clark Wardner Road to the attention of the board. Service from the tower on Meenahga Mountain is unreliable so they’ve spoken with Adirondack Tech about installing a buried line along the road. They will provide installation at no charge. Work wouldn’t begin until this fall or next spring. It was recommended that Adirondack Tech provide a proposal to the board and attend a board meeting if possible. Supervisor Peter Shrope will also discuss the matter with Scott Goldie, the Town Attorney.
Information regarding a new copier/printer was provided by National Business Technologies. The copier/printer at the Town Hall is currently 10 years old and parts are no longer available. The board will review the options for consideration.
Motion made by Supervisor Peter Shrope, second by Lydia Wright,
RESOLVED that the Town Board approves a Shared Services Agreement with the New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) for a period of four years from January 1, 2025, to January 1, 2029, to assist the Town Highway Department pursuant to Section 99r of the General Municipal Law, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town will defend and indemnify NYSDOT for any and all claims arising out of the municipality’s acts or omission under this Agreement.
ROLL CALL VOTE: Aye 4 (Santagate, Shrope, Tucker, Wright), Nay 0, Absent 1 (McKernan)
Resolution #5 declared duly adopted.
Motion made by Supervisor Peter Shrope, second by Lydia Wright,
RESOLVED that the following amount be and the same hereby are appropriated/transferred:
$20,650.00 from Account No. A1355.4 Assessor Contractual Expense (CE)
$40,620.00 from unexpended balance
As follows:
$ 2,870.00 to Account No. A1110.4 Justice CE
$ 1,009.00 to Account No. A1220.4 Supervisor CE
$ 899.00 to Account No. A1410.4 Town Clerk CE
$ 1,787.00 to Account No. A1910.4 Unallocated Insurance
$ 37.00 to Account No. A4020.4 Vital Statistics CE
$ 1,077.00 to Account No. A7140.2 Equipment
$52,620.00 to Account No. A7140.4 Facilities CE
$ 3,674.00 to Account No. A8161.4 Landfill Monitoring
$ 1,297.00 to Account No. A9040.8 Worker’s Comp
ROLL CALL VOTE: Aye 4 (Santagate, Shrope, Tucker, Wright), Nay 0, Absent 1 (McKernan)
GENERAL FUND BUDGET 2024 AMENDMENT #1 declared duly amended.
Motion made by Supervisor Peter Shrope, second by Lydia Wright,
RESOLVED that the following amounts be and the same hereby are transferred:
$13,460.00 from Account No. DA5110.1 General Repairs Personal Services (PS)
$32,247.00 from Account No. Unexpended Balance
$84,000.00 from Account No. DA3501 CHIPS
As follows:
$11,193.00 to Account No. DA5110.4 General Repairs Contractual Expense (CE)
$72,300.00 to Account No. DA5120.4 Bridges CE
$13,902.00 to Account No. DA5130.4 Machinery CE
$13,460.00 to Account No. DA5142.1 Snow Removal (PS)
$798.00 to Account No. DA9040.8 Worker’s Comp
$18,864.00 to Account No. DA9060.8 Hospital & Medical Insurance
ROLL CALL VOTE: Aye 4 (Santagate, Shrope, Tucker, Wright), Nay 0, Absent 1 (McKernan)
HIGHWAY FUND BUDGET 2024 AMENDMENT #1 declared duly amended.
Motion made by Lydia Wright, seconded by Tracy Santagate
RESOLVED that the Supervisor be authorized to pay the audited vouchers as listed on the abstracts as follows:
PREPAID FUNDS: Abstract #1 for Voucher #1A through #1B for 2025 in the amount of $576.08 and Voucher #14 STREET LIGHTING FUNDS in the amount of $106.80
GENERAL FUND: Abstract #1 for Voucher #1 through #22 for 2025 funds in the amount of $85,164.36
HIGHWAY FUND: Abstract #1 for Voucher #1 through #14 for 2025 funds in the amount of $56,348.30
SPECIAL FUND-FIRE DISTRICT: Abstract #1 for Voucher #1 for 2025 funds in the amount of $56,453.83
ROLL CALL VOTE: Aye 4 (Santagate, Shrope, Tucker, Wright), Nay 0, Absent 1 (McKernan)
Resolution #6 declared duly adopted.
Motion to Adjourn at 8:11pm made by Lydia Wright, second by Tracy Santagate,
Aye 4 (Santagate, Shrope, Tucker, Wright), Nay 0, Absent 1 (McKernan)
Respectfully Submitted,
Elizabeth DeFonce
Brighton Town Clerk