June 5, 2024 Special Meeting

A Special Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Brighton, Franklin County, NY, to discuss the creation, of two special districts and other Town Business was held Wednesday, June 5, 2024 at 7pm, at the Brighton Town Hall, 12 County Road 31, Paul Smiths, NY, with the following:


Meeting was Called to Order by Supervisor Peter Shrope at 7:04pm


PRESENT: Supervisor Peter Shrope

Council Members: Amber McKernan and Track Santagate

ABSENT: Council Members Steve Tucker and Lydia Wright

OTHERS PRESENT: Elizabeth DeFonce–Town Clerk/Tax Collector, Russell DeFonce–Town Justice, and Elaine Sater-Town Clerk


Notice of this meeting was posted on the Town Clerk’s Sign Board and sent to the Adirondack Daily Enterprise for publication. It ran on May 29th.


Discussion was held regarding a proposal brought by Paul Smith’s College (PSC) and Development Authority of the North Country (DANC) for the Town of Brighton to create water and sewer districts for PSC. This would allow them access to greater grant opportunities so they can upgrade their facilities. Advantages and disadvantages were reviewed and everyone in attendance was given the opportunity to voice their opinion. Supervisor Peter Shrope has asked Carrie Tuttle of DANC for more information but has heard nothing yet. No action was taken on the proposal at this time.


Motion to Adjourn at 8:03pm made by Supervisor Peter Shrope, second by Tracy Santagate

Aye 3 (McKernan, Santagate, Shrope), Nay 0, Absent 2 (Tucker, Wright)

Respectfully Submitted,

Elizabeth DeFonce

Brighton Town Clerk